• Relax, Rejoice & Reinvent

    Relax, Rejoice & Reinvent

    Relax, Rejoice & Reinvent

    What Would Your Life Look Like If Nothing Held You Back?

    Ready to defeat limiting beliefs that prevent you from Living Your Life to the Fullest?

    You make your beliefs and your beliefs make you.
    The world starts to mirror and match what you've CHOSEN to believe.

    *I’m NOT… enough*

    Sara came to me because she felt that she was stuck in a relationship with an uncommitted man, even though she was accomplished in her profession and has no complaints in any other aspects of her life. She is smart, beautiful and financially independent.
    But she feels that she is not attractive. She thinks guys like her only for her appearance. Seeing more and more friends getting married and starting families, the thought of “I am going to grow old and die alone” freaks her out.

    *Inertia, stuck, getting by*

    Mindy’s friends like to call her “superwoman”. She has just been promoted in the firm she worked for over a decade. She attends her children’s soccer games and violin recitals. Her husband is a busy attorney. They have a nice house and take family vacations in Europe in the summer. But she dreads getting up every morning. She feels lost. Everyday feels like repeated routines. Her sister asks her: what else do you want in your life?

    *Hesitation, fear, self-doubting*

    Allison is faced with a difficult decision: starting her own small business or continually climbing the corporate ladder. She has been so stressed about this decision that she has had many sleepless nights with racing thoughts swirling around and around in her mind: Can I do it? What is the chance for a 40-something woman to start over successfully? Do I have what it takes? None of my family or friends have taken such an unusual career move. How do I know I could make it? 

    Do you want to stop questioning yourself and  rise above your self-doubt?

    Do you want to show up as you are and pursue your dreams unapologetically?

    Imagine a life where you take back the power

    To experience everything extraordinary.

    A life with happiness, success and fulfillment that you DESERVE.

    If you are ready to restore your confidence for fulfilling relationship, career, success, and happiness!

    Contact Anna Now

    Hi I am ANNA

    I am a motivational life-transformer, a successful ‘multiple’ career switcher, a proud divorcee and single mom, and a behaviorist with over 15 years of clinical training and practice in California and Arizona.

    I love to work with young and middle aged women. I find it most fulfilling to empower women to master our minds for our most powerful potential. Who we become and what kind of life we lead is UP TO US. Thank you for trusting me to help you find the PATHWAY to a joyful and fulfilling life!